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Muna treats patients with the highest standard of care and commitment to excellence. All of our physicians, surgeons, and nurses are board-certified and specialize in a range of medical procedures. We are the best of the best, and we have been for a number of years. Get in touch with a staff member to feel the Muna Fertility difference.

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Dr. Karenne Fru


I am originally from Cameroon, West Africa, and immigrated to the United States to complete my education with the love and support of my family based out of Atlanta. I am now a proud wife and mom to two lovely daughters. When not at work, I’m an avid gardener, dancer, chef, and amateur photographer who raises chickens.

I completed a BA in Biology at Wesleyan College in Macon, GA. Then matriculated at the Medical College of Georgia completing both MD and PhD degrees and became the first black MD/PhD that program had ever graduated. The focus of my PhD dissertation was in periovulatory events in the rhesus monkey. My four-year Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN) residency was completed at Prisma Hospital in Greenville, SC. I was so in love with women’s health care that I chose to subspecialize and pursued Fellowship training in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (REI) at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD.


I am currently double board certified in OB/GYN and REI. I’m passionate about patient advocacy and education, mending gaps in access to care by minorities and other special populations, ovulatory dysfunction, fibroid management, and mental health support in the context of reproductive care. To that end, I have been very deliberate about centering my practice around vulnerable patients and making my patients’ goals my goals, too. I have extensive experience being a patient myself and bring this background, as well as medical training, to all of my patient interactions. I founded Muna Fertility to bring this vision to life and look forward to partnering in your care.


Muna is the Akum word meaning “My Child”. Muna Fertility was born out of a desire to manifest my vision of what fertility care could look like. Care that centers marginalized individuals so that the care is improved for everyone who needs it. Taking the time to provide hyper-personalized care plans that allow patients to truly partner with their doctor. After all, every person is a n-of-1.

My Story.

Allow me to tell you a story. I was born and raised in Bambili, a small village in Cameroon, West Africa. A precocious child, I started school at 2.5 years old. In short order, I realized that families would add newer, younger wives if the older wife remained childless. My instruction included home economics only for the girls. My assigned role would be to grow up, marry, have children, and take care of my family. If I could not produce children, I could and would be replaced. A woman’s value to society was not her brain but her womb. 


So I did the unthinkable, I told my parents I never wished to marry or become a mother. Instead, I would study and acquire degrees until I have achieved some terminal goal. As it happened, towards the end of 20 years of education and training, I started to think marriage and children were now permissible. They would not derail me from my goal. They would not be my singular purpose but would exist alongside my hard-won ability to help people build their families. I could still help other women reclaim their place in society, have autonomy over their reproduction, and overcome some small corner of gender bias.


Of course, no sooner was this decision made than my own reproductive disaster struck. As a trained reproductive endocrinologist, I could not save myself from six miscarriages. In the process, I got to experience the delivery of healthcare firsthand. The good experiences mingled with the bad ones and history until an idea of how care should be delivered gelled in my head. For years, I tried to deliver this care in systems not of my own creation until finally Muna (Moo-na) Fertility was born.

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